HMAC stands for Hash-based Message Authentication Code, it is a symmetric, which mean there is only one key (for example API secret key) that both parties use to hash and verify messages. Digital Signatures is asymmetric, which mean there is two keys (a keypair). The sender keeps the private key and the receiver keeps the public key. The private key is used to sign the message, and the public key is used to verify it.

Let’s see how HMAC is used in Ruby in the following example.

require 'openssl'

def prepare_message(request_body, nonce, api_key)

# Concatenate the request body with the nonce
message = request_body + nonce.to_s

# Compute the HMAC with SHA256
OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha256', api_key, message)

def verify_message(request_body, nonce, signature, api_key)

# Generate the expected signature
expected_signature = prepare_message(request_body, nonce, api_key)

# Compare the computed HMAC with the signature
expected_signature == signature

# Example usage:
request_body = '{"hello": "world"}'
nonce = 1243549809
api_key = 'sk_test_secret'

# Prepare the message signature
signature = prepare_message(request_body, nonce, webhook_key)
puts "Generated Signature: #{signature}"

# Verify the signature
if verify_message(request_body, nonce, signature, webhook_key)
puts "Signature verified!"
puts "Signature verification failed."

In second example, I implemented Digital Signatures in Ruby. We will see that, instead of using a single secret key as in the first example, we use a keypair: public key and private key (The library changes from OpenSSL::HMAC to OpenSSL::PKey).

require 'openssl'

# Generate a new RSA key pair
private_key =

# Get the public key
public_key = key.public_key

def prepare_message(request_body, timestamp, private_key)

# Concatenate the request body with the timestamp
message = request_body + timestamp.to_s

# Create a digest (SHA256 is commonly used)
digest =

# Sign the message with the private key
signature = private_key.sign(digest, message)

# Convert binary format to hexadecimal format for human readable

def verify_message(request_body, timestamp, hex_signature, public_key)

# Concatenate the request body with the timestamp
message = request_body + timestamp.to_s

# Create a digest (SHA256 is commonly used)
digest =

# Convert hexadecimal to binary before verify
signature_bytes = [hex_signature].pack('H\*')

# Verify the signature with the public key
public_key.verify(digest, signature_bytes, message)

# Example usage:
request_body = '{"hello": "world"}'
timestamp = # Get current timestamp as an integer

# Prepare the message signature
hex_signature = prepare_message(request_body, timestamp, private_key)
puts "Generated Signature: #{hex_signature}" # Print signature in hex format

# Verify the signature
if verify_message(request_body, timestamp, hex_signature, public_key)
puts "Signature verified!"
puts "Signature verification failed."

In the second example, I changed nonce to timestamp to reflect the preferences of different companies when design their APIs. It is also important to note that private_key.sign returns a binary output instead of hex, unlike OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest. Therefore, we need to unpack it to hexadecimal for human readability before transferring the data, and pack it back to binary before verifying.